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Joya Frequently Asked Questions

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What Is Joya?

Joya is the trading name of Golden Concept Ltd. A Swiss footwear company who manufacture Joya Shoes, Sandals and Boots

How Does Joya Work?

Joya footwear deploy innovative sole technology to promote healthy posture to provide relief to your back and joints and can reduce any pain felt in these areas.

Joya shoes activate the small muscles around the joints more strongly, which can help take the load off your joints and spinal discs.

Are Joya Comfy?

Yes, very comfy. Joya shoes are made with support and comfort in mind. The sole unit is like a sponge and creates a very comfortable feel under-foot.

Is Joya Suitable For Back Problems?

Yes, Joya could help with back problems. At foot strike, your foot sinks into the soft Joya sole, causing the pelvis to be lowered on that side. This movement in turn means that the back muscles need to work more, which can have a positive effect on back problems.

The soft Joya sole also cushions the impact on the hard, flat ground, which can also be beneficial in the case of back problems​.

What Size Do I Go For?

To view our size guides and advice, please Joya SIze Information

How Long Does Delivery Take?

All Joya order are processed within 1 working day and take 2-3 business days for delivery. We are unable to ship any Joya products overseas.

Can I Return My Joya Purchase If They Are Unsuitable?

Yes, we offer a 30 day return policy and an optionsl £2.99 UK returns label. All we ask is your purchase is returned in as-received and re-sellable condition. To access our return label, please click the link at the bottom of the page​.

Can I Wear Joya With Insoles/Orthopaedics?

Yes, Joya shoes already come with insoles which are very comfy. Both orthopaedic and ordinary insoles can also be used with all Joya footwear.

Joya recommend wearing insoles that are as soft as possible or designed for sensorimotor exercise, to ensure that the Joya shoes can maintain their function.

Joya also recommend wearing your Joya shoes without insoles at certain times to give your muscles the exercise they need.

Are Joya Shoes Like MBT?

MBT was sold as a medical exercise device, as opposed to Joya which is classed as a comfort shoe whose soft sole technology offer additional health benefits.

MBT shoes only feature the soft sole technology around the heel. Joya features the polyurethane material for the whole sole which gives superior comfort and form.

Joya shoes embrace the philosophy of allowing natural freedom of movement, keeping your feet in charge.

Do I Need Training To Use Joya?

No. You should feel the benefits of wearing Joya by wearing them as you would other footwear.

Does Joya Support Sensorimotor Exercise?

A key element of sensorimotor exercise is that it is carried out on a soft, moving surface.

Sensorimotor exercise in Joya shoes activates the small muscles around the joints more strongly, which can help take the load off your joints and spinal discs.

Renowned doctors, orthopaedists and gait specialists recommend Joya

Could Joya Shoes help if I Suffer From Diabetes?

Yes, wearing Joya shoes could help stimulate the blood flow in the legs and acts as a preventitive advantage for people who develop neurovascular complications.

Could Joya Help With General Foot Pain?

Yes, Joya shoes could help thanks to Joya's soft sole units, Joya shoes lighten the load on your heel, forefoot and midfoot, which can be helpful for various kinds of foot pain.

Could I Wear Joya Shoes If I Have Fallen Arches / Flat Feet?

Yes Joya shoes could help. Joya stimulates the muscles in your foot and helps you to roll your foot through on the outer side and can thus help take the load off the overtaxed structure on the inward side of flat feet.

Could I Wear Joya Shoes If I Have Very High Arches?

Yes, Joya shoes could help due to the way the soft sole adapts to fit the shape of your foot. If you have extremely high arches, however, it is advisable to use a soft additional insole.

Could Joya help if I Suffer From Bunions / Arthosis?

Yes, Joya could help. Joya changes the load distribution over the sole of the foot, ensuring that the load is evenly distributed from the moment the heel strikes the ground to the point when the foot lifts off from the ground from the tips of the toes.

With conventional shoes, most of the pressure is on the heel and forefoot, coming to a peak in the big toe at heel-off. With Joya shoes the pressure is spread across the whole foot which may help alleviate the problem.

This can lead people to suffer potentially painful problems such as bunions or, later, arthrosis of the main joint of the big toe.

Could Joya Shoes Help With Plantar Fasciitis / Heel Spurs?

Yes, Joya could help with plantar fasciitis, as the soft sole reduces the pressure on the curve in the foot where the plantar fascia is located.

If the inflammation has already ossified (as a heel spur), Joya shoes' soft sole can have a positive effect on pressure, taking the load off the ailing structure.

I Have Metatarsalgia, Could Joya Help Me?

Yes, Joya could help with metatarsalgia, as the soft sole lightens the load in the forefoot.

Some Joya soles feature an additional, ultra-soft forefoot cushion to reduce the load in the case of pain of this kind.

Would You Recommend Joya Shoes For Achilles Tendon Problems?

Yes, Joya shoes perfectly cushion impacts on your joints and feet; they are therefore recommended by doctors and physiotherapists to patients recovering from pain in the Achilles tendon.

Your feet may need a certain amount of time to get used to the shoes.

I Have / Had A Slipped Disc: Should I Wear Joya Shoes?

In the case of acute slipped discs or shortly after an operation on your inter-vertebral discs, Joya only recommend wearing Joya footwear under the supervision of a doctor, as the additional movement in the pelvis can be counter-productive in such cases.

Once the problem has been dealt with, Joya shoes can be worn both during the post-operational stage and as a means of prevention.